
Our Story

Newsy Health (http://newsyhealth.org/) was established to become a one-stop reference of health news, advice, guidance, and other similar matters. We believe that they should be available to those who need them so that they may live their life to the fullest by achieving optimum health and well-being and at the same time enhance their knowledge on issues that concern them.

That said, we make it a point to post practical and informative entries on a timely manner; in an effort to provide a unique online tool that can be accessed with a push of a button.

Our Approach

Newsy Health contains a wide array of topics, particularly in the fields of emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Plus, they are presented in a fun and engaging manner because we believe that if done differently, they can be boring, dull, and everything in between. This is performed in such a way that it won’t compromise the learning process, which is one of the reasons why Newsy Health was set up in the first place.

It’s safe to say that such approach is essential because from our humble beginnings, we managed to turn ourselves into a reputable Internet-based entity for those who want to achieve their health goals, enhance their fitness levels, and so much more.

Meet the Team

Our team is made up of passionate individuals who are proficient in the fields of emotional, mental, and physical health. They approach the said subjects with utmost seriousness because of the important role that they play in the lives of readers.